# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on # your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page # and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running ‘nixos-help’). # { config, pkgs, ... }: #TODO: Bootloader, plymouth, import hardware, hostname, network, locale, unfree, thunderbolt # auto-cpufreq, fprintd, console keymap, udev, XDG vars, programs, syncthing, rkit/pipewire, nix-ld # home: user, electron wayland, polkit { imports = [ # Include the results of the hardware scan. ./hardware-configuration.nix # ]; # Bootloader. boot = { loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; initrd.systemd.enable = true; plymouth = { enable = true; theme = "bgrt"; logo = "${pkgs.nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/nix-snowflake-white.png"; font = "${pkgs.dejavu_fonts.minimal}/share/fonts/truetype/DejaVuSans.ttf"; }; consoleLogLevel = 0; initrd.verbose = false; kernelParams = [ "quiet" "splash" "boot.shell_on_fail" "loglevel=3" "rd.systemd.show_status=false" "rd.udev.log_level=3" "udev.log_priority=3" ]; # Hide the OS choice for bootloaders. # It's still possible to open the bootloader list by pressing any key # It will just not appear on screen unless a key is pressed loader.timeout = 0; }; networking.hostName = "Lenni"; # Define your hostname. # networking.wireless.enable = true; # Enables wireless support via wpa_supplicant. # Configure network proxy if necessary # networking.proxy.default = "http://user:password@proxy:port/"; # networking.proxy.noProxy = ",localhost,internal.domain"; # Enable networking networking.networkmanager.enable = true; # Set your time zone. time.timeZone = "Europe/Berlin"; # Select internationalisation properties. i18n.defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8"; i18n.extraLocaleSettings = { LC_ADDRESS = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_IDENTIFICATION = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_MEASUREMENT = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_MONETARY = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_NAME = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_NUMERIC = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_PAPER = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_TELEPHONE = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_TIME = "de_DE.UTF-8"; }; #Allow unfree and unstable packages nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; systemd = { user.services.polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 = { description = "polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1"; wantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; wants = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; after = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "simple"; ExecStart = "${pkgs.polkit_gnome}/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1"; Restart = "on-failure"; RestartSec = 1; TimeoutStopSec = 10; }; }; }; # rtkit is optional but recommended security.rtkit.enable = true; services.pipewire = { enable = true; alsa.enable = true; alsa.support32Bit = true; pulse.enable = true; wireplumber.enable = true; # If you want to use JACK applications, uncomment this #jack.enable = true; }; services.hardware.bolt.enable = true; programs.hyprland.enable = true; environment.sessionVariables.NIXOS_OZONE_WL = "1"; services.auto-cpufreq = { enable = true; settings = { battery = { governor = "powersave"; turbo = "never"; }; charger = { governor = "powersave"; turbo = "never"; }; }; }; services.fprintd.enable = true; services.syncthing = { enable = true; user = "willifan"; dataDir = "/home/willifan/temp"; configDir = "/home/willifan/temp/.config/syncthing"; overrideDevices = true; overrideFolders = true; settings = { gui = { user = "willifan"; password = "temppassword"; }; devices = { Anton = { id = "SGKTC3I-6IQZ5Z5-VAB76N6-L7DJ3TH-BMSZGKZ-MZPZHLO-KOVMZ2W-V5GQTA6"; }; }; folders = { "Documents" = { id = "jtl6g-qjmwo"; path = "/home/willifan/temp/Documents"; devices = [ "Anton" ]; }; "Pictures" = { id = "po4qj-q9t0t"; path = "/home/willifan/temp/Pictures"; devices = [ "Anton" ]; }; "Videos" = { id = "4wqf5-xasng"; path = "/home/willifan/temp/Videos"; devices = [ "Anton" ]; }; "Notes" = { id = "oc61n-iewgj"; path = "/home/willifan/temp/Notes"; devices = [ "Anton" ]; }; "Music" = { id = "xxh8a-3y2tq"; path = "/home/willifan/temp/Music"; devices = [ "Anton" ]; }; }; }; }; security.polkit.enable = true; # Configure console keymap console.keyMap = "de"; # Define a user account. Don't forget to set a password with ‘passwd’. users.users.willifan = { isNormalUser = true; description = "willifan"; extraGroups = [ "networkmanager" "wheel" ]; packages = with pkgs; []; }; environment.sessionVariables = rec { XDG_CACHE_HOME = "$HOME/.cache"; XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "$HOME/.config"; XDG_DATA_HOME = "$HOME/.local/share"; XDG_STATE_HOME = "$HOME/.local/state"; # Not officially in the specification #XDG_BIN_HOME = "$HOME/.local/bin"; #PATH = [ # "${XDG_BIN_HOME}" #]; SCRIPTS = "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/scripts"; }; services.udev.extraRules = '' ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="backlight", KERNEL=="intel_backlight", MODE="0666", RUN+="${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod a+w /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness" ''; # List packages installed in system profile. To search, run: # $ nix search wget nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ hyprlock hypridle hyprpaper hyprcursor grim slurp wl-clipboard kanshi jq bc xorg.xrandr pulseaudio inotify-tools papirus-icon-theme eww mako polkit_gnome python3 usbutils unzip btop feh kitty dolphin hyfetch wofi enpass firefox thunderbird webcord obsidian kicad gnome.nautilus cinnamon.nemo-with-extensions ]; programs.nix-ld.enable = true; programs.nix-ld.libraries = with pkgs; [ # Add any missing dynamic libraries for unpackaged programs # here, NOT in environment.systemPackages ]; # Some programs need SUID wrappers, can be configured further or are # started in user sessions. # programs.mtr.enable = true; # programs.gnupg.agent = { # enable = true; # enableSSHSupport = true; # }; # List services that you want to enable: # Enable the OpenSSH daemon. # services.openssh.enable = true; # Open ports in the firewall. # networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ ... ]; # networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ ... ]; # Or disable the firewall altogether. # networking.firewall.enable = false; # This value determines the NixOS release from which the default # settings for stateful data, like file locations and database versions # on your system were taken. It‘s perfectly fine and recommended to leave # this value at the release version of the first install of this system. # Before changing this value read the documentation for this option # (e.g. man configuration.nix or on https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html). system.stateVersion = "23.11"; # Did you read the comment? }